Modern Entrepreneurship Management

BA – 193.1313

Rami Gazit

Spring Semester | 2 Credits

  • Until about a decade ago, entrepreneurs devoted a great deal of time at their beginning to writing detailed business plans and developing the “perfect product” – but only after painful failures it became clear that something was fundamentally wrong with their assumptions. For example: the customers did not come, because there was really no demand. Therefore, the Lean Startup, an innovative and modern methodology for managing enterprises from their first day, was created. This flexible methodology has been a huge success and is today considered the dominant approach in the world of entrepreneurship. In the course we will learn and practice the approach practically on an entrepreneurial project.

  • Date: 2nd semester 2020, Mondays 18: 00-20: 00.
  • Credits: 2
  • Lecturers: Rami Gazit
  • Reception hours: by appointment, before or after class
  • Location: to be determined later
  • Ranking: For undergraduate students
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Course Syllabus: Click here
  • Additional Requirements: Size and course will be online format; students will be required to open cameras in classes. In case the lesson is recorded – the gallery photos will not be recorded. Failure to open the camera will be considered as absence

Entrepreneurship is the kind of "life skills" that are currently required of every engineer in every position, not just a startup. The course allows students to gain practical tools and gain practical experience in the most modern approach to the subject, which is appropriate for the pace of the 21st century.

The Lean Startup approach is currently the leading concept in the development of startups in the world, as well as in the world of innovation within large organizations. The Lean Startup concept deals with a fast, up-to-date and orderly process for defining a business's start-up strategy, identifying the riskiest assumptions in its business model and systematic and iterative progress in managing the venture to validate assumptions with customers and others (validation).

The goal is to find a sustainable and growable business model quickly, while avoiding waste and avoiding massive expenses in product development and marketing before a satisfactory market validation has been carried out.

In the course we will learn the innovative concept, based on lessons learned by leading entrepreneurs and universities in the world in the last decade and we will learn the principles of the method.

During the course, practical work will be done within the entrepreneurial teams of students according to the methodology learned, including meetings with clients / potential users. It is possible to work on an entrepreneurial idea brought by the course participant or to get an idea from the lecturer.

Lecturer: Rami Gazit

Rami is the Managing Director of The Galilee Accelerator for Smart Industry and the Deal Flow VP of I4 Valley Industry 4.0 Incubator.

Since 2010 he serves as a startups' mentor, focusing on The Lean Startup methodology, business strategy, and customer's insights.

Rami has founded as the Chief Mentor the BizTEC accelerator – the Technion led Israeli academia entrepreneurship acceleration program, with a lot of success.

Rami provided mentorship, consulting services, and workshops for accelerators like Gvahim TheHive, MindCET (Ed-Tech), and various startups.

He is also serving as a Senior Lecturer (adjunct) – Technion, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, taking part in programs such as the StartUp MBA, Technion International, and Chief Innovation Officers.

Worked for Amdocs, Elbit, The Israeli Air Force, and startups. Lectured at leading first-class international events.

Modern Entrepreneurship Management

BA – 193.1313

Rami Gazit

Spring Semester | 2 Credits

  • Until about a decade ago, entrepreneurs devoted a great deal of time at their beginning to writing detailed business plans and developing the “perfect product” – but only after painful failures it became clear that something was fundamentally wrong with their assumptions. For example: the customers did not come, because there was really no demand. Therefore, the Lean Startup, an innovative and modern methodology for managing enterprises from their first day, was created. This flexible methodology has been a huge success and is today considered the dominant approach in the world of entrepreneurship. In the course we will learn and practice the approach practically on an entrepreneurial project.

  • Date: 2nd semester 2020, Mondays 18: 00-20: 00.
  • Credits: 2
  • Lecturers: Rami Gazit
  • Reception hours: by appointment, before or after class
  • Location: to be determined later
  • Ranking: For undergraduate students
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Course Syllabus: Click here
  • Additional Requirements: Size and course will be online format; students will be required to open cameras in classes. In case the lesson is recorded – the gallery photos will not be recorded. Failure to open the camera will be considered as absence

Entrepreneurship is the kind of "life skills" that are currently required of every engineer in every position, not just a startup. The course allows students to gain practical tools and gain practical experience in the most modern approach to the subject, which is appropriate for the pace of the 21st century.

The Lean Startup approach is currently the leading concept in the development of startups in the world, as well as in the world of innovation within large organizations. The Lean Startup concept deals with a fast, up-to-date and orderly process for defining a business's start-up strategy, identifying the riskiest assumptions in its business model and systematic and iterative progress in managing the venture to validate assumptions with customers and others (validation).

The goal is to find a sustainable and growable business model quickly, while avoiding waste and avoiding massive expenses in product development and marketing before a satisfactory market validation has been carried out.

In the course we will learn the innovative concept, based on lessons learned by leading entrepreneurs and universities in the world in the last decade and we will learn the principles of the method.

During the course, practical work will be done within the entrepreneurial teams of students according to the methodology learned, including meetings with clients / potential users. It is possible to work on an entrepreneurial idea brought by the course participant or to get an idea from the lecturer.

Lecturer: Rami Gazit

Rami is the Managing Director of The Galilee Accelerator for Smart Industry and the Deal Flow VP of I4 Valley Industry 4.0 Incubator.

Since 2010 he serves as a startups' mentor, focusing on The Lean Startup methodology, business strategy, and customer's insights.

Rami has founded as the Chief Mentor the BizTEC accelerator – the Technion led Israeli academia entrepreneurship acceleration program, with a lot of success.

Rami provided mentorship, consulting services, and workshops for accelerators like Gvahim TheHive, MindCET (Ed-Tech), and various startups.

He is also serving as a Senior Lecturer (adjunct) – Technion, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, taking part in programs such as the StartUp MBA, Technion International, and Chief Innovation Officers.

Worked for Amdocs, Elbit, The Israeli Air Force, and startups. Lectured at leading first-class international events.

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