The Innovation Nursery

In the Innovation Nursery multidisciplinary teams of students tackle a real-life social or
environmental challenge from a nonprofit organizations and develop a proof-of-concept
 for an innovative product or service. 

Participating students earn:

  • Make a positive impact: Work on real-life challenges with NGOs and government agencies
  • Experience working in a multidisciplinary team
  • Entrepreneurial experience with professional tutoring from industry-leading mentors
  • Familiarity with current methodologies in the world of entrepreneurship
  • Co-ownership of the project developed.
  • 6 academic credits.

Nursery Projects

2st Cohort: Autumn 2020

3st Cohort: Summer 2021

Methodology for developing innovation

The methodology we use to work on projects in the nursery is Design Thinking, and especially the agile version Design Sprints.

Nurit Kantarovich

Nurit Kantarovich

Led by

Shay Ben-Barak

Shay Ben-Barak

Senior User Experience consultant and characterizer

Design Sprints

Additional professionals who contributed to the nursery

Michal Ner-David

Partnership Manager

Dr. Carol Kidron

Head of the Department of Anthropology, University of Haifa

Avi Bachar

Agile Primero

Memi Gnoser

Strategic consultant and entrepreneurial lecturer

Uri Talmy

Patent Consultant

Dr. Dalit Ken-Dror Feldman

Technology and Cyber Law Clinic, University of Haifa

Keren Ramot

Business Consultant
MATI Haifa

Nicky Newfield

Founder and Partner
Arc Impact

Dedi Ben-Lulu

Founder and CEO Presence

Sarit Trasser

Founder and CEO Timoko

Stav Bar-Shany

Impact Consultant and Lecturer

Aviv Zeevi

Vice President
Innovation Authority

Prof. Doron Kliger

Department of Economics, Haifa University

Prof. Dan Malkinson

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Haifa University

Global challenges, local solutions

The ventures focus on the local, local, challenges of local authorities and other public organizations – while promoting one or more Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Each local challenge that the nursery handles is related to at least one global challenge. See the table for a list of the 17 sustainable development challenges agreed upon by UN companies, and the nursery projects that promote them.

"Partnerships with "Challengers

Social or business organizations are invited to offer a challenge to the "Nursery" project. A multidisciplinary team of students, accompanied by professionals from the industry, will work on developing a solution to the challenge. The project will end in prototype which will be an important step towards full development and implementation of the solution.


The project is intended for students in the advanced stages of their studies who have completed at least 2 courses (4 credits) from the range of courses in innovation and entrepreneurship.

For some classes, there is a course that is recognized as a replacement for one of the innovation and entrepreneurship courses.

In principle, the project is only open to undergraduate or graduate students from the university. In exceptional cases, others may be accepted (and in the future, we will open the project for people outside the university).

No prerequisites. The program is competitive and the number of places in the project is limited.

Registration through the HIL team selection process. Link to the registration form on the program website (during periods when registration is open).

For the project, 2 pre-courses are required from the range of courses in innovation and entrepreneurship (it is necessary to complete these courses before or at the same time as the project). The screening process for the project includes a number of stages (initial screening, boot-camp for the team). Details on the website

In addition, it is necessary to make sure with the department that the registration for the project fits into the curriculum.

In terms of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program there is no restriction.

If the courses or project do not fit into the curriculum, they can be taken at additional credit points (that is, finishing the degree with a surplus of credits).

In some cases, it may be possible to ensure that the additional credit points do not involve payment. Each case will be considered on its own.

The process of staffing students and ideas will be done through a preliminary process called Boot Camp. The boot camp will last two days and will take place several months before the start of the multidisciplinary project.

Students interested in taking part in the multidisciplinary project should apply. After the selection process, those who pass the boot camp will be selected.

During the Boot Camp we will create teams of 3-5 students per project. The staff will consider student preferences. But the final team will be determined by HIL personnel, who will consider the different expertise required for each project, as well as personalization among team members.

Ideas for projects can come from the students or from a need / problem that HIL people will present to the students (accompanied by a "client" who is interested in answering the need and solving the problem).

After the end of the Boot Camp, we will announce the teams and ideas that continue for the multidisciplinary project. Not all of those who start the boot camp may eventually go on to the project.

The project will be managed in methodologies that encourage accelerated development, with the help of professionals from the industry.

It should be remembered that the goal of the project, beyond the final product, is training for the entrepreneurial process through experience. This experience is also possible in a relatively short time.

Regarding the product – we aim for the teams to create an initial prototype for an innovative product or service, which can be used by them to raise resources for the further development of the project. The process of preparing the project actually begins with the completion of the team phase (bot-camp), which will allow the teams to characterize the need and formulate the idea even before the practical work on the project begins.

In terms of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program there is no restriction.

If the courses or project do not fit into the curriculum, they can be taken at additional credit points (that is, finishing the degree with a surplus of credits).

In some cases, it may be possible to ensure that the additional credit points do not involve payment. Each case will be considered on its own merits.

The project is intended for students in the advanced stages of their studies who have completed at least 2 courses (4 credits) from the range of courses in innovation and entrepreneurship.

For some classes, there is a course that is recognized as a replacement for one of the innovation and entrepreneurship courses.

In principle, the project is only open to undergraduate or graduate students from the university. In exceptional cases, others may be accepted (and in the future, we will open the project for people outside the university).

No prerequisites. The program is competitive and the number of places in the project is limited.

Registration through the HIL team selection process. Link to the registration form on the program website (during periods when registration is open).

For the project, 2 pre-courses are required from the range of courses in innovation and entrepreneurship (it is necessary to complete these courses before or at the same time as the project). The screening process for the project includes a number of stages (initial screening, boot-camp for the team). Details on the website

In addition, it is necessary to make sure with the department that the registration for the project fits into the curriculum.

In terms of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program there is no restriction.

If the courses or project do not fit into the curriculum, they can be taken at additional credit points (that is, finishing the degree with a surplus of credits).

In some cases, it may be possible to ensure that the additional credit points do not involve payment. Each case will be considered on its own.

The process of staffing students and ideas will be done through a preliminary process called Boot Camp. The boot camp will last two days and will take place several months before the start of the multidisciplinary project.

Students interested in taking part in the multidisciplinary project should apply. After the selection process, those who pass the boot camp will be selected.

During the Boot Camp we will create teams of 3-5 students per project. The staff will consider student preferences. But the final team will be determined by HIL personnel, who will consider the different expertise required for each project, as well as personalization among team members.

Ideas for projects can come from the students or from a need / problem that HIL people will present to the students (accompanied by a "client" who is interested in answering the need and solving the problem).

After the end of the Boot Camp, we will announce the teams and ideas that continue for the multidisciplinary project. Not all of those who start the boot camp may eventually go on to the project.

The project will be managed in methodologies that encourage accelerated development, with the help of professionals from the industry.

It should be remembered that the goal of the project, beyond the final product, is training for the entrepreneurial process through experience. This experience is also possible in a relatively short time.

Regarding the product – we aim for the teams to create an initial prototype for an innovative product or service, which can be used by them to raise resources for the further development of the project. The process of preparing the project actually begins with the completion of the team phase (bot-camp), which will allow the teams to characterize the need and formulate the idea even before the practical work on the project begins.

We believe that the transfer of intellectual property to students is essential to encourage entrepreneurship.

The university is leading a move to "release" the Intellectual Property (IP) of undergraduate students, and the arrangement applies to the participants in the multidisciplinary project as well.

We are in the process of reaching a similar arrangement for graduate students without a thesis, and possibly later also for graduate students with a thesis. If there are any changes in the intellectual property arrangements, we will update on that.

Regarding the division of intellectual property among team members: Since starting a venture requires much more than the initial idea, the team members who will complete the project will be partners in equal parts of the property (subject to an arrangement for different graduate students, as noted above).

Should the team members decide to continue running the venture after the project is completed, we will help them settle the issue of division of intellectual property between them.

מבוא לקנין רוחני
Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Part 1
193.3308 BA & MA
  • Explore the IP strategies at the core of the innovation economy
  • Learn about Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
  • See how legal rights and information shape our lives
אודות הקורס

סוג הקורס: מקוון, בקצב עצמי. הקורס משלב:

  • קורס מקוון באנגלית על פלטפורמת edX
  • מעטפת של קורס באוניברסיטת חיפה הכוללת: ליווי ועבודה

המועדים החשובים:

הקורס המקוון

  • התחלת לימודים:  לא יאוחר מ 12 ביולי. מומלץ להקדים! אפשר להתחיל ללמוד כבר ב-1 ביוני.
  • השלמת כל המטלות וסיום הקורס המקוון: עד 11 בספטמבר.
  • הרשמה: יש להרשם ולממש את השובר שתקבלו מהאוניברסיטה  לא יאוחר מ- 25 ביוני.


המעטפת המלווה מטעם האוניברסיטה

  • במהלך סטסמטר הקיץ :  12 ביולי עד 11 בספטמבר
  • הגשת עבודה מסכמת: 15 בספטמבר

דירוג: רמה 3 (פתוח לסטודנטים בתכניות תואר ראשון ושני)


Prof. R. Polk Wagner, a Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania  

Daniel R. Roberts, an Executive Editor of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review

ד״ר משה שביט | מלווה מטעם אוניברסיטת חיפה

שעות קבלה: בתיאום מראש באמצעות אימייל  (עדיף בימי ג בשעה 11:00)

קישור לקורס המקוון: הקורס ב edX

נקודות זכות: 2

דרישות קדם: פטור מאנגלית


  • /הרשמה לקורס
  • השלמת כל המשימות של הקורס המקוון, כולל עבודות בית ובחנים. 
  • בסיום הקורס, יש להציג את צילום\סריקת ציוני הבחנים והעבודות בקורס המקוון וכן את אישור הסיום (Certificate)
  • הגשת עבודה מסכמת מטעם אוניברסיטת חיפה, בהנחיית המרצה המלווה. ניתן להגיש בעברית או באנגלית, לבחירת הסטודנט.ית.

הרכב הציון:

  • 40% | ציון העבודות והבחנים בקורס המקוון (על הסטודנטים לתעד את תוצאותיהם)
  • 60% | עבודה מסכמת באוניברסיטת חיפה

הרשמה כפולה:

  • באתר edX  עם אימות זהות (verified) והסמכה (certification). שובר לרישום יסופק על ידי צוות אוניברסיטת חיפה.
  • הרשמה באוניברסיטת חיפה: דרך אתר ההרשמה הרגיל, או דרך דף ההרשמה של מעבדות חדשנות חיפה:

העברת הסילבוס: קישור


Can you really get a patent on a rectangular cell phone shape? Do artists and musicians need over a century of copyright protection for their works? Can you trademark red shoe soles? These are some of the questions that U.S. Congress and the courts have addressed in recent years — and in this IP course, we will, too.

Touching on most areas of commercial and artistic activity, intellectual property (IP) law is an essential component of modern society. In this course, Part 1 of a two-part series, learners will be introduced to a broad overview of the intellectual property laws, the theory underpinning this area of law, and an individual look at patent law.

Intellectual property is one of the hottest topics in the news today and is more valuable than ever. As detailed in this article, as intellectual property becomes more valuable to companies, it becomes more difficult to obtain. The Supreme Court is also taking more patent cases than ever, including the Oil States case, where the Court must decide whether administrative review of patents violates the Constitution!

Tentative schedule

  • A survey of intellectual property law and policy, including patents, copyright, and trademarks. Overview and Introduction. Why Study IP? Forms of Intellectual Property
  • The theories of intellectual property right and the central debates about IP
  • An introduction to patents, and the disclosure requirements
  • The novelty and non-obviousness requirements
  • Understanding the scope of patents and the way they are enforced
  • The patentable subject matter requirement and patent policy questions
קישורים למידע הנדרש ישולבו במודלות הקורס

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